
Access detailed guides and education about hair loss types and how to get the most out of our supplements and improving your hair health.

  • Hair Thinning - Androgenetic Alopecia

    For many, hair loss is a source of concern and insecurity. Fortunately, modern medicine offers various treatment options for androgenetic alopecia, a genetic condition leading to hair loss. Learn more about effective approaches to manage hair loss and regain your confidence.

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  • Stress Hair Loss - Telogen Effluvium

    Hair loss is a common issue influenced by various factors, including stress. When exposed to intense physical or psychological stress, hair growth can be negatively affected, leading to a condition known as telogen effluvium. Individuals experiencing this condition can lose about 150 to 400 hairs daily.

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  • Patchy Baldness - Alopecia Areata

    Hair loss can be a distressing experience, impacting one's confidence and self-esteem. Alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition leading to hair loss, is a prevalent concern. This guide aims to help you understand alopecia areata and explore effective treatment options to manage hair loss and restore your confidence.

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  • Frontale Fibroserende Alopecie

    Frontale fibroserende alopecie (FFA) is a type of scarring alopecia where hair loss occurs primarily around the front hairline and temples. This condition often results in a receding hairline and can lead to permanent hair loss if left untreated. The exact cause of FFA is unknown, but it is believed to involve autoimmune mechanisms where the body's immune system attacks hair follicles.

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  • Hair Quiz

    Hair loss? Answer a few questions about your hair and lifestyle, and we’ll recommend you a personalised supplements plan suited to your needs. It takes two minutes.

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  • About TRIX Basic

    Established in 2002, Intermedica Clinic has become the national expertise center for hair diseases in The Netherlands. Over its 20-year existence, the clinic has earned a trusted place in the healthcare sector in the Netherlands.

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  • The Effect of Saw Palmetto

    This study investigates the effects of Trix Basic Alpha, a 15:1 extract of saw palmetto, on scalp coverage and hair thickness in women diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia. Findings suggest that daily use of saw palmetto significantly increases hair thickness and improves scalp coverage.

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  • Shampoos for Hair Loss?

    The market is flooded with numerous products, including shampoos that claim to stop or even reverse hair loss. But how effective are these shampoos really? Can anti-hair loss shampoos work? Let’s delve into the facts and the science.

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