
Hair Loss or Thinning Hair?

Hair Loss or Thinning Hair?

There are different forms of hair loss, including telogen effluvium and thinning hair due to alopecia androgenetica. Although both conditions lead to hair loss, there are significant differences in their...

Hair Loss or Thinning Hair?

There are different forms of hair loss, including telogen effluvium and thinning hair due to alopecia androgenetica. Although both conditions lead to hair loss, there are significant differences in their...

The Hidden Power of Hormones in Hair Growth

The Hidden Power of Hormones in Hair Growth

They quietly operate within us, ensuring our bodies function smoothly—including the growth and health of our hair. Yet, we often only pay attention to them when something goes wrong.

The Hidden Power of Hormones in Hair Growth

They quietly operate within us, ensuring our bodies function smoothly—including the growth and health of our hair. Yet, we often only pay attention to them when something goes wrong.

Postpartum Hair Loss and Its Relationship with Telogen Effluvium

Postpartum Hair Loss and Its Relationship with ...

Postpartum hair loss, also known as postpartum alopecia, is a common phenomenon that many new mothers experience. This type of hair loss is often related to a condition called telogen...

Postpartum Hair Loss and Its Relationship with ...

Postpartum hair loss, also known as postpartum alopecia, is a common phenomenon that many new mothers experience. This type of hair loss is often related to a condition called telogen...

Hair Loss Knowns No Gender

Hair Loss Knowns No Gender

Noticing your hair thinning can be a distressing experience. You might find yourself asking, "Why me?" as you see more of your scalp revealing itself in the mirror.

Hair Loss Knowns No Gender

Noticing your hair thinning can be a distressing experience. You might find yourself asking, "Why me?" as you see more of your scalp revealing itself in the mirror.

Saw Palmetto - TRIX Basic Alpha

The Effect of Saw Palmetto

This study investigates the effects of Trix Basic Alpha, a 15:1 extract of saw palmetto, on scalp coverage and hair thickness in women diagnosed with alopecia androgenetica.

The Effect of Saw Palmetto

This study investigates the effects of Trix Basic Alpha, a 15:1 extract of saw palmetto, on scalp coverage and hair thickness in women diagnosed with alopecia androgenetica.

Shampoos for Hair Loss? The Facts and the Science

Shampoos for Hair Loss? The Facts and the Science

From genetic factors to stress or medical conditions, there are many reasons why both women and men experience hair loss. The market is flooded with numerous products, including shampoos that...

Shampoos for Hair Loss? The Facts and the Science

From genetic factors to stress or medical conditions, there are many reasons why both women and men experience hair loss. The market is flooded with numerous products, including shampoos that...